
Valuation of Shares in Divorce, Separation and Family Law – Victoria, BC

When one spouse owns shares in a publicly traded company the...
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Owning Property in Another Jurisdiction

When someone owns property outside of British Columbia it is...
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Can Judges Depart from the Spousal Support Advisory Guidelines? – Separation, Divorce and Family Law – Victoria, BC

The Spousal Support Advisory Guidelines are just that. They...
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Spousal Maintenance after Separation or Divorce – Family Law – Victoria, BC

On separation one spouse may be entitled to receive spousal...
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Obituaries – Wills and Estates – Victoria, BC

In this day and age of identity theft and cyber attacks,...
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Setting Up Trusts for Minor Beneficiaries – Wills and Estates – Victoria, BC

A will that leaves part of an estate to a minor beneficiary...
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Hiring a Mediator for Divorce or Separation and Family Law – Victoria, BC

When couples separate, one way to settle the issues between...
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Criminal Charges and Family Law – Separation, Divorce and Family Law – Victoria, BC

What do criminal charges and family law have to do with one...
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Will Spousal Support Ever End for High Income Earners – Separation, Divorce and Family Law – Victoria, BC

The federal spousal support guidelines state that when a payor...
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Beneficiary Designations on Registered Accounts – Wills and Estates – Victoria, BC

When savings or investments such as Registered Retirement...
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What Do We Do with the Cabin? – Wills and Estates – Victoria, BC

One of the most challenging decisions that parents have to...
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Negotiated Settlements in Family Law – Separation and Divorce – Victoria, BC

These days the vast majority of family disputes end in a...
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