Victoria’s Top Divorce Lawyer

5 Reasons Why You Need a Divorce Lawyer

Divorce. It can be an unsettling, overwhelming, and difficult time for anyone. The process is already hard enough for both spouses without having to struggle over the complexities of family law. If you are in the early stages of ending your marriage, you’re going to need the help of an experienced lawyer to guide you through the process. Here are the top reasons why you should hire a divorce lawyer.

A divorce lawyer has the knowledge and experience

Thinking about representing yourself to save some money? Finalizing a divorce is not an easy process. If you don’t know the ins and outs of family law, you could be getting in way over your head. A divorce lawyer has the proper training, experience, and knowledge to deal with negotiations, judges, court proceedings, and the mountain of paperwork that comes with every case.

A divorce lawyer provides objective advice

Divorce comes with its fair share of emotions for both spouses. During this trying time, the roller coaster of feelings can cloud your judgement, forcing you to lose objectivity. A good divorce lawyer can provide a level head when it matters the most, preventing unproductive emotions from getting in the way and harming your case.

A divorce lawyer will help you avoid mistakes

Mistakes happen. But when it comes to the divorce process, you simply can’t afford to make any. Even one wrong decision can be devastating, impacting child custody, support concerns, property, income, debts, and assets. When you hire a divorce lawyer, you can rest assured knowing all your legal proceedings are in the best hands possible.

 A divorce lawyer helps reduce stress

Let’s face it, even dispute-free, uncontested divorces can be emotionally distressing. Hiring a divorce lawyer will take the burden off your shoulders, freeing up time for you to take care of yourself and your loved ones. Whether it’s a clean break or complicated divorce, a professional lawyer will give you the peace of mind you deserve during this stressful time.

A divorce lawyer can open communication between couples

Divorces can get messy for couples, with both parties arguing over each other. And when communication breaks down, divorce proceedings can come to a grinding halt and take much longer to settle. If you need an impartial, legal referee, a divorce lawyer can help keep things civil, helping you and your soon-to-be-ex-spouse find some mutual ground.

Divorces can be a bumpy ride, filled with emotions, stress, and confusion. Why take matters into your own hands and risk making things worse if you don’t have to? Here at Deborah Todd Law, Deborah will work closely with you to get the best settlement possible.


Does the amount of Child Support decrease in proportion to the number of children?

No, the Federal Child Support Guidelines provide a formula for child maintenance that does not equate to the number of children. For example, if you are paying $600.00 per month in child maintenance for three children the guideline amount for only two children will not be $400.00 per month.

Who pays for children’s medical and dental expenses?

Usually, the spouse who is receiving child maintenance will be responsible to pay for the children’s Medical Services Plan. Any medical or dental expenses beyond what MSP covers are special expenses and are paid by both spouses in proportion to their gross annual incomes.

Can I waive child maintenance?

Child maintenance is the right of the child and cannot legally be waived by a parent. You can enter into a separation agreement where child maintenance is waived but a court could overturn this agreement in the future.

Who gets the Child Tax Benefit if we have shared parenting?

If you have a shared parenting arrangement Revenue Canada will split the Child Tax Benefit equally between the parents and each parent will receive it for six months of the year.

What happens if I receive property as a gift or an inheritance after separation?

Any property which you receive after separation is your separate property and does not need to be shared with your spouse

What happens to Canada Pension Credits?

Your Canada Pension Credits will be split equally with your spouse from the date you begin living together to the date you separated unless you and your spouse sign a separation agreement saying that they will not be split.

Who keeps life insurance after separation?

Life insurance is often used to secure child maintenance and spousal maintenance payments. One spouse will designate the other as beneficiary for so long as child maintenance or spousal maintenance is being paid. Sometimes spouses agree to each designate a third party as trustee to receive the life insurance trust for the children.